用途: ※ 采用帶形刀和木製的或者人造膠木模具來切削海綿或者填充棉以便取得帶有輕薄邊切碎片的材料,也可以用來切海綿罩杯以此用來生產上托型的文胸海綿罩杯。 Function: ※ It is with band knife and wooden or Bakelite template to trim foam or fiberfill to get the material with thinner edge and can foam sheet to get foam cup cookies (pieces) for making push-up foam bra cups. 特點: ※ 模臺采用旋轉運動方式,實現連續削棉目的,轉速根據操作工人的熟練程度可自己調節。 ※ 刀帶轉動平穩,調節方便,更換快捷 ※ 刀帶刃口具有自動修磨的功能,自始至終保持工作刀刃的鋒利。 ※ 更換不同的模具,可生產不同款式的製品,切割海綿厚度4-40mm。 Features ※ Its molding table adopted rotary working way to cut foam inserts The rotary speed can be set and adjusted as per operators’ proficiency lever. ※ Band knife works stable,which can be adjusted easily and change quickly.. ※ The band knife can be automatically polished,which guarantee the knife sharp during the working. ※ It can be changed different mould templates to cut different foam inserts and pads.The depth of the cut foam insert pads:4-40mm. 生產量 Specifications ※ 每分鐘可達10轉,而且該機可以安裝2套刀模,每套刀模的尺寸可達310*630mm。 ※ Max. 10 cutting cycle per minyte and this machine is able to load 2 sets of templates,each template with max size 310*630mm. 技術參數: Technical Specifications: 電源/功率Power supply/power220V/2KW模臺尺寸Dimension of the mould table600mmx300mm機臺尺寸Dimension of the machine1900mmx1330mmx1760mm適用物料Applicable material海綿Foam material重量Weight780kg |