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1756-L71 Logix5671 控制器 2MB内存

1756-L72 Logix5672 控制器 4MB内存

1756-L73 Logix5673 控制器 8MB内存

1756-L74 Logix5674 控制器 16MB内存

1756-L75 Logix5675 控制器 32MB内存

数字交流输入模块Digital AC Input Modules

1756-IA8D 79-132 VAC Diagnostic Input 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IA16 79-132 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IA16I 79-132 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IA32 74-132 VAC Input 32 Pts (36P)

1756-IM16I 159-265 VAC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IN16 10-30 VAC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)


数字直流输入模块Digital DC Input Modules

1756-IB16 10-31 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IB16D 10-30 VDC Diagnostic Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IB16I 10-30 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IB16IF 10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IB16ISOE 10-30 VDC Individually Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IB32 10-31 VDC Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IC16 30-60 VDC Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IG16 0-5 VDC TTL Input (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IH16I 90-146 VDC Isolated Input 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-IH16ISOE 125 VDC Isolated Sequence of Event Input 16Pt (36 Pin)

1756-IV16 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-IV32 10-30 VDC Sourcing Input 32 Pts (36 Pin)


数字交流输出模块Digital AC Output Modules

1756-OA8 74-265 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OA8D 74-132 VAC Diagnostic Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OA8E 74-132 VAC Elec Fused 2A Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OA16 74-265 VAC Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OA16I 74-265 VAC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-ON8 10-30 VAC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)


数字直流输出模块Digital DC Output Modules

1756-OB8 10-30 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OB8EI 10-30 VDC Isolated Electronically Fused Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB8I 10-30 VDC Isolated Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB16D Click to view... 19-30 VDC Diagnostic Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB16E 10-31 VDC Electronically Fused Output 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OB16I 10-30 VDC Isolated Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB16IEF 10-30 VDC Fast Isolated Peer to Peer Output with PWM 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB16IEFS 10-30 VDC Scheduled, Electronically-Protected, Sinking Sourcing, Isolated, Fast Output Module

1756-OB16IS 10-30 VDC Isolated Output Cam 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OB32 10-31 VDC Output 32 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OC8 30-60 VDC 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OG16 0-5 VDC TTL Output (Low True) 16 Pts (20 Pin)

1756-OH8I 90-146 VDC Isolated 2 Amp Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OV16E 10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 16 Pt (20 Pin)

1756-OV32E 10-30 VDC Electronically Fused Sinking Output 32 Pt (36 Pin)


数字触点输出模块Digital Contact Output Modules

1756-OW16I N.O. Isolated Relay Output 16 Pts (36 Pin)

1756-OX8I N.O./N.C. Isolated Relay Output 8 Pts (36 Pin)
