Low Volatility Silicone Elastomer
Two-part, low viscosity clear RTV silicone
Designed for enhanced performance in extreme low and high temperatures
10:1 Mix Ratio (Part A: Part B)
To provide protection of electric components and assemblies against shock, vibration, moisture, dust, chemicals and other environmental hazards
Low viscosity for applications requiring superior flow
Properties |
Average Result |
Standard |
Uncured: |
Appearance/td> |
Transparent |
D2090 |
002 |
Viscosity, Part A |
3,600 cP (3,600 mPas) |
D1084, D2196 |
001 |
Cured: 4 hours @ 65°C (149°F) |
Specific Gravity |
1.04 |
D792 |
003 |
Durometer, Type A |
40 |
D2240 |
006 |
Tensile Strength |
650 psi (4.5 MPa) |
D412 |
007 |
Elongation |
100 |
D412 |
007 |
Lap Shear Strength* (primed w/CF1-135) |
200 psi (1.4 MPa) |
D1002 |
010 |
Coefficient of Linear Expansion |
Below Tg (-150° to -115 °C) |
10 ppm/°C (10 μm/m/°C) |
- |
- |
Above Tg (-95°C to 250°C) |
490 ppm/°C (490 μm/m/°C) |
- |
- |
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) |
See attached graph |
E1640 |
- |
Volatile Content (1 hour @ 275°C) |
0.2 |
D2288 |
004 |
Ionic Content, Cl |
< 5 ppm |
- |
- |
Ionic Content, K |
< 1 ppm |
- |
- |
Ionic Content, Na |
< 1 ppm |
- |
- |
Properties tested on a lot-to-lot basis. Do not use the properties shown in this technical profile as a basis for preparing specifications. Please contact NuSil Technology for assistance and recommendations in establishing particular specifications.
Instructions for Use
37 mL SxS Kit
50 Gram Kit
100 Gram Kit
500 Gram Kit
6 Months
Mix in a ration of 1:1:0.1, Part A: Part B: Part C. If mixing by hand, take care to minimize air entrapment while mixing.
Vacuum Deaeration
Remove air entrapped during mixing by common vacuum deaeration procedure, observing all applicable safety precautions. Slowly apply vacuum, up to 28 inches Hg, to a container rated for use and of volume at least four times that of material being deaerated. Hold vacuum until presence of air is no longer evident.
Substrate Consideration
Cures in contact with most materials common to electronic assemblies. Exceptions include butyl and chlorinated rubbers, some RTV silicones and unreacted residues of some curing agents. Units being encapsulated or potted should be clean and free of surface contaminants. Containers and dispensers should also be clean and dry. Prevent cure inhibition by washing all containers with clean solvent or volatizing the contaminants by heat.
Note: Some bonding applications may require the use of a primer. NuSil Technology LLC CF1-135 silicone primer is recommended.
Adjustable Cure Schedule
Product cures at room temperature and a wide range of elevated temperatures and cure times to accommodate different production needs. Contact NuSil Technology LLC for details.
Do not use the properties shown in this technical profile as a basis for preparing specifications. Please contact NuSil Technol ogy for assistance and recommendations in esta blishing particular specifications.
Warranty Information
The warranty period provided by NuSil Technology LLC (hereinafter "NuSil Technology") is 12 months from the date of shipment when stored below 40°C in original unopened containers. Unless NuSil Technology provides a specific written warranty of fitness for a particular use, NuSil Technology's sole warranty is that the product will meet NuSil Technology's then current specification. NuSil Technology specifically disclaims all other expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for use. The exclusive remedy and NuSil Technology's sole liability for breach of warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. NuSil Technology expressly disclaims any liability for incidental or consequential damages.
Warnings About Product Safety
NuSil Technology believes, to the best of its knowledge, that the information and data contained herein are accurate and reliable. The user is responsible to determine the material's suitability and safety of use. NuSil Technology cannot know each application's specific requirements and hereby notifies the user that it has not tested or determined this material's suitability or safety for use in any application. The user is responsible to adequately test and determine the safety and suitability for their application and NuSil Technology makes no warranty concerning fitness for any use or purpose. NuSil Technology has completed no testing to establish safety of use in any medical application.
NuSil Technology has tested this material only to determine if the product meets the applicable specifications. (Please contact NuSil Technology for assistance and recommendations when establishing specifications.) When considering the use of NuSil Technology products in a particular application, review the latest Material Safety Data Sheet and contact NuSil Technology with any questions about product safety information.
Do not use any chemical in a food, drug, cosmetic, or medical application or process until having determined the safety and legality of the use. The user is responsible to meet the requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and any other regulatory agencies. Before handling any other materials mentioned in the text, the user is advised to obtain available product safety information and take the necessary steps to ensure safety of use.
Patent / Intellectual Property Warning
NuSil Technology disclaims any expressed or implied warranty against the infringement of any domestic or international patent/intellectual property right. NuSil Technology does not warrant the use or sale of the products described herein will not infringe the claims of any domestic or international patent/intellectual property right covering the product itself, its use in combination with other products, or its use in the operation of any process.
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